Browse Hierarchy AFP: Arts & Foundational
Browse Division
Name Sort by name | Code Sort by code | Type Sort by type |
Adult Special Education | ASE | Department |
Adult Upgrading | AU | Department |
Anthropology | ANTH | Department |
Communications | CMNS | Department |
Earth & Environmental Science | EESC | Department |
Economics | ECON | Department |
English | ENGL | Department |
English Language | EL | Department |
Fine Arts | FINA | Department |
Gender, Sexualites & Women's Studies | GSWS | Department |
Geography | GEOG | Department |
History | HIST | Department |
Indigenous Studies | INDG | Department |
Interdisciplinary Studies | IDST | Department |
Philosophy | PHIL | Department |
Political Science | POLI | Department |
Psychology | PSYC | Department |
Social Work | SOCW | Department |
Sociology | SOCI | Department |
Lists linked to Arts & Foundational
There are currently no lists linked to this Division.